
Stephanie Engelmann, geb. Schwipper, M.Sc.-BWL
- Raum:
- LC 123
- Telefon:
- in Elternzeit
- Fax:
- +49 203 37-93256
- E-Mail:
- stephanie.engelmann (at)
- Sprechstunde:
- in Elternzeit bis August 2023
- Adresse:
- Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg
Lotharstr. 65, LC 128b
47057 Duisburg
Seit 09/2018: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Dienstleistungsmanagement und Handel von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Schmitz
04/2016 - 08/2018: Masterstudium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Duisburg-Essen, Mercator School of Management (Schwerpunkte: Marketing Research, Service Operations und Economic Policy)
03/2012 - 02/2016: Bachelorstudium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Fachhochschule Dortmund (Schwerpunkte: Marketing, Finance und Statistik)
- Consumer Behavior
- Value in Use of Digital Services
- Digital Customer Experiences in Inner-City Retail
Mitarbeit in Drittmittelprojekten:
seit 2018: Smart Market² - Interaktive Einkaufserlebnisse in Innenstädten durch digitale Dienstleistungen
(Projektdaten: Laufzeit: 3/2017 – 2/2020, BMBF, FKZ 02K15A071: Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie hier.)
- Schwipper, S.; Peche, S.; Schmitz, G.: Mobile Location-Based Services’ Value-in-Use in Inner Cities: - Do a Customer’s Shopping Patterns, Prior User Experience, and Sales Promotions Matter?. In: Schmalenbach Business Review, Jg. 2020 (2020). doi: DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Mobile location-based services (LBS) represent a promising opportunity for inner-city retailers and service providers to react to changes in customer behavior due to digitalization. To gain competitive advantages, mobile LBS must offer customers high value-in-use and help them reach their shopping goals during their inner-city visits. Shopping goals differ depending on shopping patterns; thus, these patterns may influence customers’ evaluation of mobile LBS during inner-city visits. Since value-in-use is not only a context-specific but also a temporally dynamic construct, customers’ user experience must also be considered. Therefore, this study investigates the influence of customers’ shopping patterns and current user experience on their evaluation of mobile LBS’ value-in-use during inner-city visits. Moreover, the impacts of the offers transmitted through mobile LBS on the value-in-use are examined.
Using field test data, we empirically verify a conceptualization of mobile LBS and determine a comprehensive view of mobile LBS’ value-in-use during shopping trips with different shopping patterns and user experience within a mixed-method analysis. Our results identify both utilitarian and hedonic value-in-use components as being empirically relevant for high value-in-use evaluations regarding mobile LBS in inner cities. Furthermore, the relevance of monetary benefits, fun benefits, and irritation on value-in-use vary according to customers’ user experience. A customer’s shopping pattern affects the value-in-use of mobile LBS; however, this effect is not as differentiated as expected. Moreover, the number of relevant monetary and non-monetary offers transmitted during an inner-city visit are shown to represent a potential, albeit limited, management instrument for affecting mobile LBS’ value-in-use.
- Schwipper, S.; Peche, S.; Schmitz, G.: How do Customers Value the Use of Inner City Shopping? - An Empirical Analysis, 1. Schmitz, G. (Hrsg.), Diskussionspapiere des Lehrstuhls für Dienstleistungsmanagement und Handel, Duisburg 2020. doi:10.17185/duepublico/72695) PDFBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The aim of this study is to identify and empirically validate relevant benefits and costs of perceived value in use of an inner city shopping trip. Moreover, we examine the relevance of customers’ value perceptions for four behavioral outcomes. We identified relevant benefit and cost components as well as behavioral outcomes through a literature review and a qualitative pre-study (n=29) and developed a higher-order conceptualization of the perceived value in use. We tested our research model by conducting a variance-based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach (n=314). Our findings suggest both retail-related and inner city-related benefits are important value components, which indicate that inner city retailers and city management must cooperate to increase customers’ value perceptions. Furthermore, our results demonstrate the importance of a high value in use of inner city shopping trips to generate competitive advantages over online retailers and peripheral shopping malls.
- Schwipper, Stephanie; Berendes, C. Ingo; Niemann, Marco; Schmitz, Gertrud; Beverungen, Daniel: An empirical investigation of the influence of location-based advertising via mobile apps on the visit probability of local high street businesses, nternational Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services - CHIMSPAS 2021, 27.08.2021, Bielefeld (online). Details
- Schmitz, G.; Schwipper, S; Peche, S.: Value in Use standortbasierter Dienstleistungen in Innenstädten - Empirische Analyse der Einflussgrößen und Wirkungen, 4. Jahrestagung der WK DLM, 13.09.2019, Berlin. Details
- Schmitz, G.; Peche, S.; Schwipper, S.: How Do Different Customers Value the Use of Companion Shopping Apps in Inner Cities? - An Empirical Investigation, International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS) 2019, 23.08.2019, Bielefeld. Details
- Schwipper, S.; Peche, S.; Schmitz, G.: How do Customers Value the Use of Inner City Shopping? - An Empirical Analysis, 48th EMAC Annual Conference, 30.05.2019, Hamburg. AbstractDetails
The aim of this study is to identify and empirically validate relevant benefits and costs of perceived value in use of an inner city shopping trip. Moreover, we examine the relevance of customers’ value perceptions for four behavioral outcomes. We identified relevant benefit and cost components as well as behavioral outcomes through a literature review and a qualitative pre-study (n=29) and developed a higher-order conceptualization of the perceived value in use. We tested our research model by conducting a variance-based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach (n=314). Our findings suggest both retail-related and inner city-related benefits are important value components, which indicate that inner city retailers and city management must cooperate to increase customers’ value perceptions. Furthermore, our results demonstrate the importance of a high value in use of inner city shopping trips to generate competitive advantages over online retailers and peripheral shopping malls.